Location: Salon 7 (M2), Marriott Marquis, Washington DC
8:00 am – 8:15 am Welcome and Review of ISAP activities by Board of Directors
- Introduction – ISAP Vice Chair (Luis Loria-Salazar)
- ISAP activities summary: Gaylon Baumgardner (ISAP Chair)
- ISAP events coming up in 2020
8:15 am – 11:00 am Pavement Field Evaluation (PFE) Technical Committee
–Committee Chair: Dr. Eshan Dave; Session Co-Chairs: Eshan Dave (University of New Hampshire, USA) and Christina Plati (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)
Theme: State of the Art in Sensing of Pavement Response
- 8:15 – 8:20 Introduction to TC PFE,
Dr. Eshan Dave, University of New Hampshire, United States - 8:20 – 8:45 Experience with Fiber-optic based Sensors to Monitor Pavement Response in Severe Loading and Climatic Conditions
Dr. Jean-Pascal Bilodeau and Prof. Guy Doré, Laval University, Canada - 8:45 – 9:15 Solutions for Pavement Instrumentation and Examples of Application
Dr. Pierre Hornych, IFSTTAR, France - 9:15 – 9:45 TSD Measurements and Data Analysis: State of the Art and Future Developments
Dr. Christoffer Nielson, Greenwood Engineering, Denmark - 9:45– 10:15 Sensing Pavement Response at Project and Network Level
Dr. Dirk Jansen, Federal Highway Research Institute, Germany - 10:15 – 10:45 Monitoring Pavement Response using In-Pavement sensors
Dr. Navneet Garg, Federal Aviation Administration, United States - 10:45 – 11:00 Other Items and Closure
- 11:00 – 12:00 Lunch break
- 8:15 – 8:20 Introduction to TC PFE,
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Constitutive Modeling of Asphaltic Materials (CMAM) Technical Committee –
–Committee Chair: Dr. Tom Scarpas; Delft University of Technology and Khalifa University
Theme: Chemomechanics of Rejuvenation of Asphaltic Materials
- 12:00 – 12:15 Welcome
Tom Scarpas, Delft University of Technology and Khalifa University - 12:15 – 12:45 Rheological and Compositional Characterization of Modifiers used as Softening Agents and Rejuvenators
Hasan Ozer, Arizona State University - 12:45 – 1:15 Characterization of Mobilization and Blending of Aged Binders in Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures
Zhen Leng, Hong Kong Polytechnic - 1:15 – 1:45 Rejuvenator for High-Quality Recycling of PMB RAP
Xueyan Liu, Delft University of Technology - 1:45 – 2:00 Closure
TC Chair, Dr. Tom Scarpas
- 12:00 – 12:15 Welcome
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm Asphalt Pavements and Environment (APE) Technical Committee
–Committee Co-Chairs: Dr. Gabrielle Tebaldi; University of Parma & University of Florida, and Dr. Manfred Partl, EMPA Switzerland
Theme: Impact of alternative materials on the environmental and technical performance of asphalt mixtures
- 2:00 – 2:10 Welcome and call to order
Dr. Gabriele Tebaldi; University of Parma & University of Florida, and Dr. Manfred Partl, EMPA Switzerland - 2:10 – 2:25 Short presentation of TC APE: members, scope, activities
- 2:25 – 2:40 Report of 5th APE Symposium in Padova (I) and 6th APE Symposium in Sun City (ZA)
- 2:40 – 2:50 Next events organized by TC APE
- 2:50 – 3:15 New research challenges and new approaches about Ground Tire Rubber recycling and waste plastic recycling
Dr. William Buttlar, University of Missouri - 3:15 – 3:40 A multiscale approach to investigate the use of Ladle Furnace Slags into asphalt mixtures
Dr. Emiliano Pasquini, University of Padova - 3:40 – 4:05 Best Practices in Life Cycle Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures
Dr. Amlan Mukherjee, Michigan Tech - 4:05 – 4:30 Realistic ageing simulation and chemo-mechanical assessment for durable pavement materials
Dr. Johannes Mirwald, TU Wien - 4:30 – 4:55 Recycling of textile wastes in asphalt mixtures
Dr. Alessandro Marradi, University of Pisa - 4:55 – 5:00 AOB
Dr. Gabriele Tebaldi; University of Parma & University of Florida, and Dr. Manfred Partl, EMPA Switzerland - 5:00 – Adjourn
- 2:00 – 2:10 Welcome and call to order