Public (global) Policies


Public policy for ISAP relates to current and future technological issues, and regulatory issues, politically-oriented initiatives/agendas that may impact the asphalt paving industry. The focus and actions undertaken by ISAP may include position statements, cooperation or joining with coalitions, lobbying efforts, participation in forums and financial contributions or commitments to address these issues.

Current Activities

ISAP’s major activities to date in the public policy area are threefold:

  1. Organization of a Fumes Workshop in Baltimore in 1990, and publication of the Proceedings.
  2. Publication of a Futures Report in 1993
  3. Leading the “Ann Arbor” conferences. The latter represents more of a purely technical activity, with public policy implications or impacts being more indirect.

Objective Statement

ISAP will pro-actively participate and/or lead forums which address issues impacting the asphalt paving industry and its players on a world-wide basis, and will develop a process or plan of action to respond and resolve these issues whenever possible.